Forums: new joiners and research invitation
Posted by Elena on Apr 22, 2024 in General Discussion
Hello everyone, my name is Elena and I am a trainee clinical psychologist and student researcher with an interested in co-dependency, attachment and trauma. I also identify myself as a co-dependent. Being a co-dependent has led me to various toxic relationships and recognising it has been helpful for my recovery. I have started to work on my boundaries and healthy detachment. As part of my psychology training at the University of Hertfordshire (UK) I am conducting a research to improve our understanding of co-dependency, its impact on wellbeing, and inform new supporting strategies. I am looking for CoDA members to participate in a survey that will last approx.15 minutes. You will be entered in a prize draw to win an Amazon voucher (50£). I understand some people might not be comfortable with incentive and if this is the case, the prize can be declined or donated to charity. Some people will also be selected to participate in an online interview with myself, following which they will receive a 10 pound online shopping voucher. Please click on the link if you are interested in participating or drop me a message if you have any questions. Thank you very much
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